Salisbury, China Grove, Spencer, Granite Quarry, and Rockwell NC.
*Excluding All Deliveries on Feb. 12, 13 & 14We think the beauty of Spring was meant to be shared with someone special. That’s where our Asiatic lilies come in! Whether it’s to celebrate their birthday, a new chapter in life or just another day, this sweetly fragrant bouquet of pink, yellow and white star-shaped blooms will deliver the biggest smiles of the season.
Bouquet of the freshest pink, white and yellow Asiatic lilies, featuring multiple blooms on each stem
Send a small bouquet of over 25 blooms or double their gift with our large bouquet of over 50 blooms
Lilies arrive in bud form and will open to full bloom in 3-4 days to provide lasting beauty
Picked at the peak of perfection and delivered fresh to the door
Shipped overnight to ensure freshness
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